We received the following email from the Marloth park Ratepayers Association:
Dear Property Owner / Geagte Eiendomseienaar
We have done the following:
We have employed Richard Spoor as our attorney (Mr. Richard Spoor has an amazing track record as to winning fights against mining companies) and he has brought legal action against the mining company, the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) and the mine’s consultants Singo Consultancy. Mr. Jan Engelbrecht, in Komatipoort, was chosen as our liaison lawyer.
We have involved Afriforum, SAAI, Sanparks, MTPA, the KLCBT, Ngwenya Lodge (who has donated R50 000 towards our legal fund), Mjejane, the Water Board, IUCMA, the Irrigation Board, specialists in all fields to analyze the numerous reports, the neighboring farmers, the Shadow Minister of Tourism in Parliament as well as the National Council of Provinces, the Federation for a Sustainable Environment (FSE), and I know I am for sure forgetting a few more………..
Media – Carte Blanche aired the mine threat on Sunday the 18th on MNET Channel 101 at 7pm and there will be a rerun on Thursday at 15h30pm as well as on DSTV Catchup (I spent 3 days with them), SABC 2 Fokus will air the mine threat this Sunday the 25th on Channel 192 at 6pm (I spent a full week with them). All the newspapers have written about the mine threat on our behalf which include the Citizen, The Star, The Beeld, The Maverick, The Maroela Media, The Lowvelder, The Corridor to name a few, with many newspapers doing 2nd and 3rd articles. There have also been articles in magazines such as the “Getaway”. Jacaranda FM, RSG and Pretoria FM have also done radio interviews with either myself (MPRA) or Afriforum, or both, with many more radio interviews lined up.
Both Afriforum and myself (MPRA) made a criminal case against Singo Consultancy for fraud (Mr. Kenneth Singo does not have a PHD nor is he registered as an EAP (Environmental Assessment Practioner) as he stipulated in all the reports), - for plagiarism (they copied and pasted studies and assessments from other mining studies and assessment reports from Mining companies miles away in other areas and pasted it into the Manzolwandle mining company’s reports. This is illegal because it is not a true study of our environment, river catchment etc.)
Marloth Park Ratepayers Association (MPRA) will also be reporting Singo Consultancy to the DMR and all organizations that Mr. Singo is affiliated to.
Mr. Kenneth Singo emailed me (MPRA) on 15th Aug stipulating that Singo Consultancy is withdrawing from the mine application, we will however not drop our criminal charges.
It has now more than ever become crucial for property owners to stand and work together for the benefit and betterment of Marloth Park, by joining hands and supporting our organization.
I have attached our membership form. The joining fee is a mere R300 per year, and pensioners or anyone else who cannot afford the yearly membership fee, is still welcome to become a member by marking the “I need a sponsor” block, and someone will sponsor your membership. As we all know, one cannot do much with R300 per year, especially with all the legal fees etc, so you are welcome to pay more than the R300 per year, or sponsor someone who cannot afford it, if you would like. Please remember that membership is on a voluntary basis and not compulsory, but definitely to your benefit as an owner.
Why is it important to become a member:
We keep you informed as to all happenings, threats (eg. proposed mining) and challenges as they arise by means of a news letter, social media, meetings and minutes.
We fight with all our heart and soul against all these threats, and for your rights and concerns, on your behalf.
The more property owners we have as members, the more serious such threats will take us as a community; the municipality will also take us more serious if we show numbers and a united front as property owners as to service delivery which they are seriously lacking. (We spend hours in meetings with the different directors, municipal manager and mayor as to better service delivery).
You, the property owner gets the opportunity to voice your concerns and have them addressed. We are your organization, we are your voice.
The yearly membership fee gets used for the benefit of Marloth Park ONLY and monies do not lie in our bank account where it does Marloth Park no good.
If I as chairperson, or any of our committee members, does not perform to your satisfaction, we can be voted out and YOU choose your new committee to represent you and your interests by calling a general special meeting, or at our annual general meeting (AGM).
United we will win, divided we will fall.
Herewith is our banking details if you would like to join our dynamic organization, and/or donate towards our legal battle (please use MINE & YOUR STAND NUMBER as your reference):
Kind regards. Cindy Benson (Chairperson of the Marloth Park Ratepayers Association – MPRA)